"The King in Yellow," Dartboard Productions' haunting second production, premiered in October 2023 as an immersive journey through time and madness. Loosely inspired by Robert Chambers’ collection of short stories, we endeavored not to adapt his stories outright, but to explore the fictional “cursed” play that is central to his anthology.
This original play explores the chilling influence of the mysterious deity the “King in Yellow” across three interconnected fables set in different eras. Through these narratives, the play delves into themes of isolation, cosmic horror, and the descent into madness. We witness a woman's unraveling sanity, a surgeon’s forbidden alchemical experiments, and a writer's eerie encounter with a cult-like community. With live music, surrealist elements, all culminating in an “offering” that blurs the line of theatre and ritual, "The King in Yellow" invites viewers to confront the terror and allure of the unknown in this uniquely immersive and unforgettable experience.