"Treasure Island," Dartboard Productions' Off-Broadway debut and our most ambitious endeavor to date, is an original adaptation of the classic adventure novel that premiered to critical acclaim. After its original debut at Carnegie Mellon University, we had the pleasure of mounting this most recent iteration at the Center at West Park in March 2024. This production took audiences on a swashbuckling journey through high seas and buried treasures, capturing the timeless allure of adventure and the pursuit of riches, as well as the cycles of loss that underpin those romantic stories. Featuring epic sword fights, bombastic sea shanties, and a rag-tag crew navigating treacherous waters, the play explores themes of sacrifice, discovery, and redemption. Through a contemporary lens, "Treasure Island" questions the relevance of pursuing "buccaneers and buried gold" in today's world, inviting audiences to reflect on courage, camaraderie, and the enduring power of storytelling. This high-energy spectacle merged the legacy of a beloved tale with the spirit of a new generation, offering a thrilling experience that resonated with both young and old alike.